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Case Study: Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

Developing Python Programming Skills Within the NHS

The Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust is an NHS trust based in London, England. It is one of the largest NHS trusts in England and together with Imperial College London forms an academic health science centre. They are also committed to data skills education and data apprenticeships.

Abby Echave is a Senior Business Intelligence Analyst at the Imperial College NHS Trust and a Level 4 Data Analyst apprentice. Her role sits within the Data Quality team which is part of the wider Business Intelligence department of the Trust.

"We live and breathe data"; explains Abby, "different teams and departments across the Trust including NHS England, and NHS Improvement (which is a branch of NHS England) and Clinical Commissioning Groups make requests to us for information, statistics and data. We compile what they need and send it back to them as a data extract, a dashboard or a report. Sometimes operational and improvement teams ask us for a dataset to help with their research projects. Sometimes our role is to review the dataset they compiled and support them with the analysis of it. We are often asked to review data quality issues and provide analysis which explains an unexpected result or identify where data issues have arisen."

We live and breathe data. We produce data extracts, dashboards and reports so a big driver for starting my Level 4 Data Analyst apprenticeship was learning new ways to approach and provide better insight of the data.”

Abby Echave; Senior Business Intelligence Analyst, NHS 

"A big driver for starting my Level 4 Data Analyst apprenticeship was learning new ways to approach and compile the data sets, provide better insight into data analytics through dashboards and reports we provide across my Trust and other external NHS teams"; explains Abby. “Increasing my analytical capabilities by learning alternative ways to improve my approach to data analysis and familiarising myself with various analysis tools was an important next step for me. Data analysis is moving so quickly, there's so many languages and different software available. I knew that starting the data apprenticeship would give me everything I needed to keep up. It was important for my personal development to know what else was out there and get a head start on what's coming in the future. My Data Analyst Apprenticeship is definitely helping me with that.

"There's so many avenues that Cambridge Spark has given me to communicate with my teachers, my mentors and as well as other data apprentices at the NHS. The networking opportunities and instant feedback has been incredible. We have become a mini community and there's comradery across a pool of others learners, all from very different backgrounds, as well as those with NHS backgrounds. It's a long course but it's always moving forward. The pace is good and I don't feel alone. 

Data analysis is moving so quickly, there's so many languages and different software. It was important for my personal development to know what else was out there and get a head start on what's coming in the future. My Data Analyst Apprenticeship is definitely helping me with that.”

Abby Echave; Senior Business Intelligence Analyst, NHS 

"I'm working on a project now, as part of my apprenticeship , which requires me to use complex data sets using SQL. I'm applying new SQL concepts to approach my work based projects that involve server migration. The data tables are being migrated to a new server and I'm part of a team whose job it is to compare how well the new data model is performing in comparison to the old data model. Any gaps that we can identify are being addressed by the relevant teams and we are recording what they are. This task has been simplified, significantly, by applying the new skills and knowledge I've learned on my course.

I’m really enjoying the experience of the apprenticeship. The modules I have worked through and completed have already helped me to change my mindset and approach to the data tasks I'm working on. For example, how I present information, in terms of the various aggregations, has changed since starting the course. The pointers and guidance from my mentors and coaches has taught me how to think more logically and has definitely helped me to be more productive."

I'm working on a project that requires me to use complex data sets using SQL. Not only am I learning something new, I can immediately apply what I'm learning to my day-to-day work back at the office. My tasks have been simplified, significantly with the new skills and knowledge I'm learning on my course."

Abby Echave; Senior Business Intelligence Analyst, NHS 

Apprentices learn through live lectures and assignments. They are supported by technical mentor, a coach and feedback from EDUKATE.AI, Cambridge Spark’s online learning platform for data science, which is where they access learning content and assignments.

All of the content and assignments are built on real-data sets to help apprentices understand how data skills are applied in the workplace.

Cambridge Spark are currently enrolling for the next cohort of the Level 4 Data Analyst Apprenticeship. Get in touch with the team using the form below to find out how we can help your organisation build data analytics capability.

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