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Introducing Cambridge Spark’s Centres of Excellence

Jul 05, 2023 |

Introducing Cambridge Spark’s Centres of Excellence

Cambridge Spark is expanding its offerings to enable organisations to excel in the age of artificial intelligence (AI). By introducing three Centres of Excellence (CoE) in Data & AI, Cloud & Software, and Digital Transformation, we are pioneering a holistic approach to digital skills for workforce transformation. 

Why are we expanding our offering?

According to the World Economic Forum’s 2023 Future of Jobs report, artificial intelligence stands as the most transformative technology revolution of this decade. The pace of change is continuing to accelerate at an unprecedented rate, with generative AI now taking centre stage as the next AI milestone to achieve for organisations striving to maintain their competitive edge.

Dr. Raoul-Gabriel Urma, CEO and Founder of Cambridge Spark, had this to say about the change:

“For our clients to fully capitalise on the vast potential of AI, they must adopt an all-encompassing transformation strategy that goes beyond only data and analytics. AI is so transformative that it impacts not only how we use, think and lead with data but also impacts engineering, architecture, products, processes, users and customers.

“As such, it is imperative that we continue to strengthen our expertise beyond data and analytics to deliver a comprehensive skills solution, preparing our clients for success in the AI revolution and beyond. This entails supporting our clients to deliver technical competencies such as engineering and enterprise cloud architecture, as well as equipping individuals across organisations with the aptitude to work effectively with AI-infused mindset and processes.

“To realise this vision, we are thrilled to announce three Centres of Excellence that bolster our data and AI expertise and reaffirm our dedication to providing gold-standard digital skills programmes for the workforce.”

Which Centre of Excellence will house our existing programmes?

Our existing Data and AI upskilling programmes, including Skills Bootcamps and most corporate training, will be integrated into the Data and AI Centre of Excellence. These programmes will continue to deliver expert technical education that develops the data mindset and analytical skill sets needed for all employees to succeed in a data-driven organisation.

Additionally, we are delighted to launch two new Centres of Excellence in Cloud & Software and Digital Transformation. Collectively, these three Centres of Excellence will equip our clients with a holistic skills solution for the age of AI, encompassing data, analytics, infrastructure, systems, users, and the leadership capabilities necessary for thriving in the industry.

Our Cloud & Software Centre of Excellence is dedicated to cultivating a workforce proficient in operating the vital infrastructure and systems necessary to develop, deploy and maintain modern digital applications. This includes an emphasis on data engineering, software engineering, and cloud infrastructure.

The Digital Transformation Centre of Excellence aims to develop professionals capable of leading and managing the essential transformation to adopt cutting-edge technologies like AI, incorporating new platforms, systems, and digital products using data-driven insights. This includes our leadership training, masterclasses, and our upcoming Digital Product Manager Apprenticeship.

By taking this holistic approach, we enhance our specialisation while addressing the needs of our clients and learners. Our commitment lies in providing gold-standard expertise and service, empowering our learners and clients to achieve digital transformation success in the AI era.

About us

Cambridge Spark is an education technology company that enables corporate and government organisations to achieve their business goals by educating their workforce with critical digital transformation skills to succeed in the AI era. We are headquartered in Cambridge, UK, with an office and an educational campus in King Cross, London.

For further enquiries, please contact: contact@cambridgespark.com or + 44 (0)7816 419378

Enquire now

Fill out the following form and we’ll contact you within one business day to discuss and answer any questions you have about the programme. We look forward to speaking with you.

Upskill your workforce

Upskill your workforce and accelerate your data transformation with expert technical programmes designed to create impact.

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